Ayurvedic Shiro Chikilsa


It is the process of dripping medicated oil { (Taila Shirodhara)/Milk (Kheera Dhara)/Buttermilk (Takra Shirodhara)/Decoction(Kashaya dhara)} on ones forehead.It improves the blood circulation of head , improves memory and concentration, relaxes the brain and improves sleep.


It is highly recommended for anxiety, depression, insomnia, paralysis, coma, hair fall etc


It is recommended in skin disorder, psoriasis, dandruff, hair fall, insomnia etc.


It is recommended in paralysis, several mental disorder, insomnia, fatigue etc.


It is recommended in skin disorder, hair fall, wound etc.


It is the process of retaining medicated oil on ones head for a given time using vastiyantraIt is advised in paralysis,hairfall,memory loss,epilepsy and mental disorder


It is the process of putting 7-10 layers cotton dipped in medicated oil/ghee over the head. It is advised in paralysis, memory loss, mental disorder, anxiety, developmental disorders etc.


It is the process of placing a medicated paste over the bregma. It is advised in various diseases like cold, cough, fever, epilepsy, anxiety, vertigo, insomnia ,paralysis, mental disorder, developmental issues.


It is the process of covering the whole head (except face and neck)using medicated paste which is then covered by a banana leaf . It is advised in mental disorder, paralysis, coma, insomnia, memory loss, cognitive disorder etc.